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Hi, welcome to West Art And Glass.

If you are here to buy a tote bag, a mug, or some glassy stuff, please visit the link above for my shop, or click the pictures below to link directly to my more popular items.

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67587187_10162119720915010_4369751790543962112_nMy name is Zena West. I live just outside Nottingham in England, and I make glassy things. And to a lesser extent, arty things. Through the magic of the internet, I have sold these glass things to lovely people all over the world. I also sell regularly to people in Nottinghamshire and the East Midlands (and occasionally further afield) through participating in and organising local craft fairs.

I am 30-something, and have been working with glass since I was 19. I am mildly obsessed with giraffes and Star Wars. I love cats, and they seem to tolerate my presence in return. I once met Badger of “Bodger & Badger” fame. One day I want to open up a little glass / art / book / coffee shop and be my own boss. My worst vice is crisps, I eat on average 3 packs a day. I live with my lovely husband John, and my beautiful son (affectionately referred to as “kiddo” on the internet). They’re my world, and the best people I’ve ever met.

I am unapologetically vocal in my views. I am an outspoken strident feminist, I’m pro trans rights, sex workers rights, women’s rights, and gay rights. I try to be as actively anti-bigotry in my life as I can. It’s not enough just to not be racist / homophobic / transphobic, you have to fight it and challenge it in everything you do. Silence makes you complicit. Also, Black Lives Matter, obviously. If you don’t really like those sorts of views, well, you don’t have to buy from me! (And really I’d rather you didn’t x) But go and do some reading and open your eyes a bit, yeah?

So have a look around, make yourself comfy. Have a look at my Etsy shop, and drop me a line if you want. It doesn’t even have to be glass related! Look forward to hearing from you…

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